1 Review Scudderã¢â‚¬â„¢s Narrative How Much Scientific Language Does He Use in Relating His Story?


In 1967, English was recognized as the language of international scientific discipline (Gordin, 2015) and it continues to dominate global scientific activities to this day. Around 80% of all journals indexed in SCOPUS are published in English (van Weijen, 2012). The linguistic domination of English is besides observed in scientific journalism worldwide, which heavily depends on English-only sources (Nguyen and Tran, 2019). While the use of a single international language of science facilitates the dissemination of noesis across national and cultural boundaries, the English language often acts as a gatekeeper to scientific discourse (Tardy, 2004).

The hegemony of English in scientific discipline promotes and enforces the imposition of i particular cultural signal-of-view over others (Alves and Pozzebon, 2013). Past ignoring other languages, traditional mass media (e.g., newspapers, magazines), social media, and scientific journals ignore the cultures and perspectives of non-English speaking communities (Gibbs, 1995; Canagarajah, 1996, 2002; Kachru, 1997). A recent Google search (February, 2020) of the term "science" in 11 languages with the largest numbers of native speakers exemplifies the disproportionate dominance of English (Effigy ane). Information technology is clear that English is overrepresented in these search results, even after normalizing for the total number of native speakers per linguistic communication (Figure 1). Ane caption could be that the term "scientific discipline" may not be equally engaging and meaningful every bit other science-related terms in other languages. An culling caption could be that scientific advice in a linguistic communication correlates with scientific activity in the corresponding countries. Such is the instance in the field of bioinformatics, where the nations with the highest touch (h-index) are those that are the most active in academic publishing (Chasapi et al., 2020). Nonetheless, English search results are still ~8 times more popular fifty-fifty when compared to languages spoken in countries with a stiff history of scientific production like Federal republic of germany and Russia (Effigy 1).


Figure one. Google search results highlight the hegemony of English language in scientific discipline advice. (A) Google search results of the term "science" in multiple languages. Google searches were conducted on February 12, 2020 using 11 of the nigh widely spoken languages past number of native speakers (Eberhard et al., 2019). Languages are organized from highest to lowest number of native speakers top to bottom. (B) Google search results of the term "science" in multiple languages normalized by the total number of native speakers per linguistic communication.

Facing the biggest existential threats to humanity requires understanding and back up of science at a global scale, as exemplified by a multitude of climate-related natural disasters (Garcia Escobar and Rabanales, 2020; Stone, 2020) and the contempo COVID-19 outbreak (Zarocostas, 2020). This opinion slice discusses some consequences of the (almost exclusive) apply of English in the current global scientific landscape, and provides recommendations to expand both formal and informal science communication beyond the English language language.

Consequences of the Apply of English as the International Language of Science

While having a "universal language of science" has allowed scientists to communicate ideas freely and gain admission to global scientific literature, the principal use of a single language has created barriers for those who are non-native English speakers. For example, writing manuscripts and grants, preparing and presenting oral presentations, and general communication in English language is much more challenging for scientists with English as a Foreign Language (EFL) (Ramirez-Castaneda, 2020). EFL speakers written report that the quality of English in their manuscripts under review, not the scientific content, is the primary target for criticism, limiting admission to a fair chance at publication (Drubin and Kellogg, 2012). This English-only phenomenon creates challenges and gaps in the transfer of knowledge between communities (Amano et al., 2016).

Scientific discourse carried out in the native language of a target audition yields greater participation, motivation and optimism, and leads to stronger connections to concepts in the native culture (Manzini, 2000). Yet, most scientists today feel pressure to publish their papers in influential or globally-recognized English journals that are regarded as yielding more citations (Di Bitetti and Ferreras, 2017) and having a higher bear upon than any in their female parent tongue (Bortolus, 2012). On the SCImago Journal Rank, which ranks scientific journals on the citations their articles receive, the top 50 journals are published in English. Due to the hegemony of English-linguistic communication science, the desire to publish in respected English journals has prompted journals that previously published in local languages (e.g., Animal Biodiversity and Conservation in Spain, Natureza & Conservação in Brazil) to severely decrease or fifty-fifty cease publishing in their local language(south) to increase achieve inside the global scientific customs.

There are ingrained systemic biases within larger institutional bodies (east.g., tenure requirements at universities or publication expectations at granting agencies) pushing scientists to publish work primarily in English (Bortolus, 2012). Similar biases and fiscal pressures in newsrooms worldwide contribute to the dominance of English in scientific journalism. However, every bit a consequence, scientific noesis originating from non-English speaking countries (or pertaining to these regions) is non available in the local language(south). This means that for an individual, or entity, not knowing English limits their admission to scientific data (Amano et al., 2016). Learning a new linguistic communication is not always feasible; many communities practice not have access to the educational tools and financial resource needed to learn a new language. In Colombia, high English-proficiency among scientists positively correlates with high-socioeconomic status (Ramirez-Castaneda, 2020). In addition, the time spent learning that language could be used instead for other purposes (e.grand., conducting scientific research). Thus, the predominant utilise of English in science contributes to the widening of social and scientific inequities worldwide.

Recommendations to Increase Multilingualism in Scientific discipline Communication

Nosotros, the authors of this Opinion, have spent the entirety of our professional careers in English-speaking settings abroad from our birthplaces and family. Frustrated by the lack of resource available in Castilian, our native tongue, each of united states of america embarked on a path to create content in our native tongue and augment admission to scientific information. The recommendations in this piece were crafted based on our personal experiences, the cumulative experiences of like-minded colleagues, and evidence-based all-time practices backed by concrete examples of and studies in scientific communication. We propose some approaches to (1) expand admission to scientific knowledge in languages other than English, (2) train Stem professionals and communicators to appoint with local and global audiences through culturally-relevant strategies, and (three) encourage grassroots efforts to democratize science communication and create inclusive communities.

Expand access to scientific knowledge in traditional publishing and mass media

For scientific journals: Translate research abstracts and manufactures to make them available in other languages.

The latest scientific findings are often unavailable to a large portion of the scientific community and the general public who are EFL speakers. This is particularly apropos in cases where this information is non attainable to the same communities and individuals that could do good the nigh from the research. The onus should fall on scientific journals to begin to offer translations of at least the well-nigh widely read publications in their archive. Some journals like Emerging Themes in Epidemiology (Fung, 2008) are currently providing abstracts translated into other languages. To achieve this, publishers could enlist translating services from organizations like the American Translators Association or the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters. Other approaches have been described previously by Meneghini and Packer (2007). Additionally, the evolution of technology (e.g., past Google Interpret) specifically designed for high-quality simultaneous translation of scientific writing would allow English-only speakers to share the brunt of multilingual communication (Alves and Pozzebon, 2013). These practices, in conjunction with Open Access policies, will begin to even the scientific playing field.

For media in English-speaking societies: Highlight scientists working in settings where English is not the native language.

The bias to publish in English language is not just express to academic journals but is as well prevalent in global mass media (eastward.g., newspapers, telly, radio, blogs). An unintended result is the lack of coverage of scientists working in areas where other languages are spoken, primarily in low and middle-income countries. News outlets should consider diversifying the types of scientists that are highlighted to ensure more backgrounds are represented and, wherever possible, providing translations of published stories in the relevant native language. The Forbes online science segmentation, for example, has recently made an try (primarily led by announcer Andrew Wight), to increase the coverage of science stories across countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America (Wight, 2020).

For media in societies where English is not the native linguistic communication: Increase local science coverage.

Scientists who are non fluent in English struggle to gain recognition for their piece of work, sometimes including in their own countries. Moreover, newspapers and traditional mass media in non-English language speaking parts of the world ofttimes practise non employ scientific discipline journalists and instead rely on press releases from the Associated Press and other international news sources that practice not comprehend local scientific discoveries (Nguyen and Tran, 2019). As a result, local findings go unreported and support for local science wanes. Greater support for and grooming in scientific journalism worldwide is needed to advance these local efforts. People trust leaders whose values and worldviews align with their own (Fiske and Dupree, 2014). Thus, enlisting local professionals who tin can improve chronicle to the intended audiences is crucial. Networks similar Agência Bori in Brazil that connect scientists to journalists could help facilitate these types of connections (Estarque, 2020).

Create culturally relevant content.

Truly inclusive scientific communication requires audience appointment through approaches that recognize the voices and experiences of the target customs (Canfield et al., 2020). Simple translations of existing content are bereft to capture attention and present complex data in an understandable way. Instead, scientists and content creators in both traditional and social media should employ culturally-relevant expressions, metaphors (Taylor and Dewsbury, 2018), experiences (Djonko-Moore et al., 2018), and storytelling approaches (Dahlstrom, 2014; Hunter-Doniger et al., 2018). For example, a soccer (fútbol) analogy might be more advisable in many parts of the world than an American football game metaphor. News outlets and budding science communicators tin look to journalist Sibusiso Biyela's work in South Africa every bit an example of the successful integration of creative storytelling in native contexts (Kwon, 2019).

Training STEM professionals and communicators

Railroad train scientists and communicators to engage with and relate to various audiences.

Independent of the language of pick, the success of any initiative seeking to communicate science depends on the ability of the scientist/communicator to engage with the audience. This can be achieved through a variety of methods including (simply not limited to) storytelling (Green et al., 2018), fine art equally a communication tool (Lesen et al., 2016), and citizen science (Phillips et al., 2019). All of these approaches can and should exist adjusted to incorporate the local languages, practices, and cultural norms relevant to the target audition; yet, STEM students and professionals are rarely trained on these strategies. To fully integrate Stalk into strategies for societal progress, it is imperative for bookish institutions and national science agencies worldwide to implement multicultural science advice training programs at all career levels. Organizations and initiatives similar the Massive Science Consortium, Reclaiming Stalk, the Biota Projection (Cheng et al., 2018), the "Communicating Ciencia" workshop (Landis et al., 2020), and the Inclusive SciComm symposium (Canfield et al., 2020) are already implementing inclusive training strategies that could exist adapted to other languages and cultures.

Encourage and support Stalk students and professionals to seek opportunities to talk about their work in their native tongue.

Numerous STEM professionals leave dwelling house to work and train in a location where English is the master language. Even when pursuing a career in their home countries, systemic pressures encourage these scientists to prioritize English language-just opportunities (Tardy, 2004). Therefore, the power to discuss, present, and write virtually science in their native natural language(s) can be severely compromised. This is peculiarly truthful for scientists from indigenous communities, whose worldviews oftentimes get erased as a consequence from scientific discourse (Ammon, 2011). Attending conferences and events to disseminate one'southward work is highly valued by universities and institutions; however, these international events rarely (if ever) feature languages outside of English. Additionally, local events to nowadays ane'southward research to lay audiences in languages other than English is oftentimes non supported by both supervisors and institutions even though multilingual fluency is key for science on a global scale. Trainees and kinesthesia should exist encouraged to pursue and participate in events and activities that permit them the opportunity to share their work in their native language(s).

Some organizations and universities accept taken information technology upon themselves to share fundamental scientific knowledge with communities that have difficulty accessing formal didactics and scientific data in their ain language(s). For instance, Clubes de Ciencia is a non-turn a profit system that offers Stem workshops for high-schoolhouse and higher students throughout Spain and Latin America (Ferreira et al., 2019). Similarly, the Imagine Project at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil promotes scientific inclusion and cultural exchange by translating scientific videos into indigenous languages (with subtitles) that are shared with remote communities (Ramos and Empinotti, 2017). These types of efforts are crucial to encourage the decolonization of science, aggrandize admission to scientific knowledge, and fifty-fifty participate in the agile protection of endangered languages.

Encouraging grassroots efforts

Take advantage of the ubiquity and accessibility of social media platforms to accomplish a wider diversity of audiences.

Social media platforms have become ubiquitous and powerful tools for the broadcasting of information. Over the past ten years, social media use has grown from 7 to 65% of adults worldwide (Perrin-Cocon et al., 2013). Equally a consequence, the landscape in which scientific discipline advice takes place is changing. Researchers are no longer discussing their findings exclusively via publications in scientific journals or high-profile magazine articles. They are besides engaging with other scientists and various audiences through social media outlets like Twitter and Instagram. These platforms are available to scientists globally at low or no fiscal cost and, as a result, STEM professionals and communicators are increasingly interested in using social media for public engagement (Pew Inquiry Center, 2015). If these networks were used in conjunction with strategies to support efforts in languages other than English language, they could effectively lower the barriers of admission to knowledge worldwide. Science YouTube channels like Ciencia Café Pa Sumercé (Colombia), Hayyes yesok (Russia), Kainaat (Islamic republic of pakistan), and Manual do Mondo (Brazil) are currently producing engaging and culturally relevant content within their respective countries. Recent inquiry has demonstrated the effectiveness of engaging with audiences on social media platforms, similar Instagram, to counteract negative perceptions of scientists (Chocolate-brown Jarreau et al., 2019).

Create communities where scientific communicators in different languages can interact with one another.

The practice of science communication is no longer limited to celebrity scientists like Nib Nye the Scientific discipline Guy or Neil deGrasse Tyson; information technology is now available to anyone with admission to social media outlets. Science communicators are important in keeping science in the public eye. However, this is often seen as an unimportant efforts when compared to publishing manufactures and attending conferences, and therefore engaging in these efforts can be isolating. Increasingly, researchers are turning to social media to form supportive communities, where content creators/communicators tin can interact.

Social media and other digital platforms could help facilitate collaboration. For example, the "Stalk Squad" community on Facebook, centered on the advancement and inclusion of women in STEM careers, has become an important resources by increasing the representation of marginalized scientists in the public lens, financially supporting innovative projects for outreach and inclusion, and creating a space for multilingual conversations. Similarly, the "Joe's Big Thought" Slack community offers a private space for scientific communicators to share resources and opportunities, ask questions, and engage with others interested in communicating in other languages. Unified hashtags (like #WissComm [#SciComm] and #ComunicaCiencia [#CommunicateScience] used by German- and Castilian-speakers, respectively) can help puddle appointment efforts in the chosen language. For in-person support, organized events to celebrate science like Science Festivals (Bultitude et al., 2011) can allow researchers to run across face-to-face and share their scientific discipline with the greater public in their native language(s).


At that place is a linguistic communication bias in the current global scientific landscape that leaves non-English speakers at a disadvantage and prevents them from actively participating in the scientific procedure both every bit scientists and citizens. Science's linguistic communication bias extends beyond words printed in elite English-only journals. It manifests in how science is reported in mass and social media outlets, in the researchers represented in the media, and often in the lack of contact between communities and their local scientists. Exposure to diverse role models has profound effects on aspiring young scientists, as exemplified past the "Scully effect" reported by the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. In this study, 63% of surveyed women in STEM specifically cited Dana Scully's character in The X-Files every bit increasing their belief in the importance of Stalk (Geena Davis Constitute of Gender in Media, 2018). Beyond representation, access to scientific knowledge is also a affair of equity and fairness.

The National Science Education Standards defines science literacy every bit "the cognition and understanding of scientific concepts and processes required for personal decision making, participation in civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity" (National Academy of Sciences, 1996). Previous work has demonstrated that democratic societies that are scientifically literate make equitable choices regarding science-related policy issues (European Committee, 1995; Rudolph and Horibe, 2016). Thus, effective communication of science and science literacy are socioeconomically imperative for all societies. Considering bones science is primarily funded by government funds in many countries (OECD, 2015), admission to and understanding of science is besides a correct for tax-paying citizens effectually the globe.

At that place are multiple steps—many outlined in this manuscript—journal publishers, media outlets, academic institutions, and government agencies should take to amend how science is communicated effectually the globe. The burden of these efforts should non fall exclusively on the shoulders of EFL speakers. As long as English remains the gatekeeper to scientific discourse, people of other cultural backgrounds volition keep to find information technology increasingly hard to participate in the scientific procedure and benefit from its outcomes. We hope this piece sparks new discussions within the ongoing conversation around developing effective strategies for multilingual and inclusive outreach efforts to communicate scientific content formally and informally. The hereafter of the scientific enterprise worldwide depends on it.

Writer Contributions

MM and AP contributed equally to this manuscript in its conception, writing, and editing.


AP was funded past a Cornell Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Disharmonize of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of whatsoever commercial or financial relationships that could exist construed as a potential disharmonize of interest.


The authors would like to thank Valeria Ramírez-Castañeda for her suggestions to improve the recommendations in this manuscript.


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Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomm.2020.00031/full

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