Early Life

Juliette Gordon Depression grew up during a time of nifty conflict and modify in the Us. During her childhood, Low'due south family struggled through the Ceremonious War, Reconstruction, and a Yellow Fever Epidemic. Despite these struggles, she grew upward in a loving family unit and had the privilege of a good education. As a young daughter, Low loved to play outdoors and desired to help others. Later she would help thousands of girls enjoy the outdoors, serve others, and then much more as the founder of the Daughter Scouts of the USA.


Photograph of the Wayne-Gordon House, Savannah, Ga., 1920s. From the Foltz Photography Studio (Savannah, Ga.), photographs, MS 1360

Juliette Gordon Low, ofttimes called by her nickname Daisy,  was born Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon on October 31, 1860. Juliette spent her early years in Savannah, Georgia, where her home is now a Registered Celebrated Landmark under the administration of the Daughter Scouts of the U.s.a.. You can visit the birthplace to larn more than about how Juliette and her family lived when she was alive.

Daisy'south parents were William Washington Gordon Two and Eleanor (Nelly) Kinzie Gordon. Daisy'south father William was a native of Savannah and his family played an important office in the growth of the metropolis. Daisy's granddad William Washington Gordon I served in the Georgia legislature, became Mayor of Savannah, and founded the Fundamental Rail Road and Depository financial institution. In that location is even a canton in Georgia named after Due west.W. Gordon I.

Photo of older Nellie Kinze Gordon, 1880s. From the Gordon Family papers, MS 318

Daisy's female parent Nelly Kinzie came from a prominent and wealthy family from Chicago, Illinois. In fact, John Kinzie, Daisy's grandfather, built the very first house in Chicago on the banks of the Chicago River. Nelly and William gave Daisy v siblings. The Gordon children were Eleanor (Nell) Kinzie, Juliette (Daisy) Magill Kinzie, Sarah Alice, William (Willy) Washington, Jr., Mabel McLane, and George Arthur. Sadly, Daisy's sister Sarah Alice died in 1880 at age 17. Her decease was very hard on Daisy and her family unit.

Not long after Daisy was built-in, the United States entered  the Ceremonious War. Daisy had family unit fighting on both sides of the war. Daisy'due south father William Washington Gordon II served as a lieutenant for the Confederacy while her mother'due south side of the family fought for the The states. While their father was away fighting the war, Daisy, her sisters Eleanor and Alice, and their mother Nelly struggled like most did on the dwelling forepart. Food was expensive and scarce and the family oft lived far away from their home in Savannah either to be closer to their begetter or to observe safety.

Photograph of Sarah Alice Gordon (1863-1880). From the Gordon Family papers, MS 318.

Daisy still lived a privileged life despite the financial troubles the Civil State of war and Reconstruction brought to her father'due south business. Daisy's mother oversaw her early education and nurtured her talents in the arts. As a child Daisy exhibited a love of the outdoors, a propensity for physical activeness, and a desire to assistance others. All these traits would later get tenants of the Girl Scout motion.

In the book Juliette Low and the Girl Scouts edited past Anne Hyde Choate and Helen Ferris, Juliette Low writes about her childhood in a chapter titled "When I was a Daughter." In this affiliate she tells about her fond memories of spending the summers on their plantation in northern Georgia where a governess taught Daisy and a few of her cousins under the walnut trees. Juliette Low besides reminisces ab

Photograph of W. W. Gordon II. From the Gordon Family papers, MS 318

out the first organisation she always founded, "Helpful Easily." Unfortunately the Helpful Hands club was disbanded in the summertime of 1876 with the outbreak of the yellowish fever epidemic in Savannah. Daisy's father, a member of the Savannah Benevolent Club, remained in the city to intendance for the ill, merely sent Nelly and the children away to avoid the scourge. Beneath you can learn more virtually the 1876 yellowish fever in Savannah by reading chief sources from the Georgia Historical Society's manuscript collection.

Just equally Daisy had family unit fighting for both the Due north and the South in the Civil War, Daisy herself lived in both worlds. Daisy had the opportunity to visit her grandparents in Chicago on many occasions, including during the final stages of the Civil War when women and children were forced to evacuate Savannah. When she turned thirteen, Daisy's parents sent her to a French boarding schoolhouse in the Northward to experience life in New York City. You tin larn more about Daisy'due south fourth dimension at Etowah and in Boarding school by reading her letters from the Georgia Historical Society'southward manuscript drove.

From the Source: Daisy's Letters

These galleries includes 4 letters written by Juliette Gordon Low during her time abroad from Savannah at boarding school. Click on the tabs to read the messages in Daisy'south handwriting. To get started deciphering the young Daisy's handwriting, read the transcribed excerpt provided under each letter.


Letter from Juliette Gordon Low to Nelly Kinzie Gordon, October 2nd, 1874. From the Gordon Family Papers, MS 318.


"Oh mama, we got the box of candy, and of my wearing apparel, and Nellies waist, and were so much obliged, for both; the idea of y'all saying you idea I should be reconciled, I recall its perfectly lovely, it could not be prettier, I got my bible the other day, and it is lovely, the nicest birthday present y'all could requite me, and I am going to go Lillian Gittings to write my proper noun in it for me, because she is my best friend here, she is next to the prettiest girl in school…P S Excuse horrible writing and spelling I hope you can read it…"


Letter from Juliette Gordon Depression to Nelly Kinzie Gordon, February 14th, 1875. From the Gordon Family Papers MS 318.

"My darling Mama,
Nell is studying for her Literature examination, and and then I'll take to do all the writing, and I call up you lot will accept pretty seldom equally I detest to get set to write, but later on I am once started I dont mind, so dont exist worried if I dont write very frequently. I have a tooth that has a large pigsty in information technology, information technology dont injure, but it is very troublesome, shall I have it filled or not?…and mama, will you delight send usa some more of the lilliputian elastics for our pilus, the ones you send are all up….Proficient bye my love piffling sweet Mama, your ain footling, (I have not grown a bit,) Daisy."


Letter from Juliette Gordon Depression to Nelly Kenzie Gordon, March 18th, 1875. From the Gordon Family Papers, MS 318.

You arrived saftly I hope, you don't know how lonely I experience without you, only I have not cried once, and neither has Nellie, she is well now, and every bit bright as a push, please reply this letter soon, equally I am dying to hear from you. Mama I am going to try and exist very skillful, and practise, and study hard, and so you wont be disappointed in me once more after today, only today I felt as if I did not care for anything, and so I did non practise my duty…P.S. Please write presently, just 10 weeks before I will see you…aint this a nice letter, not 1 mistake in spelling."


A Letter written by Juliette Gordon Low to her Mother apropos expenses in 1878 Gordon Family unit Papers, MS 318.

"Nelle gave me $10.00 and this is how I spent it

Shoes 7.00

Drawing Paper .25

India Silk .25

T Tray .50

Metalic pen .75

R. Triangle .40 inches wide  .l

Car fair for Mrs. Burgess and I to become to Ereclks 20 cts. I have five cts change which makes $10.00. "

1876 Yellow Fever Epidemic

" data-medium-file="https://georgiahistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Yellow-Jack-Monster-illustration-LC-USZC4-9408-214x300.jpg" data-large-file="https://georgiahistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Yellow-Jack-Monster-illustration-LC-USZC4-9408-e1382978635122.jpg" loading="lazy" class="wp-image-5374 size-medium" src="https://georgiahistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Yellow-Jack-Monster-illustration-LC-USZC4-9408-214x300.jpg" width="214" height="300">

"Yellow Jack Monster." Illustrated by Matt Morgan. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division, LC-USZC4-9408

Today medical doctors and scientists know the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments for yellow fever. Yellowish fever is a flavivirus transmitted to humans through the seize with teeth of an infected mosquito. Yellow fever primarily affects tropical regions of Southward America and Africa. Information technology has no specific handling other than to get plenty of rest and liquids. To prevent outbreaks of the yellowish fever, like the 1876 epidemic in Savannah, residents in high-take chances areas tin wear insect repellent, vesture proper clothing to avoid bites, and stay indoors during peak hours of mosquito activity. A xanthous fever vaccine is too available; however, it must be re-administered every ten years.

The medical customs did not officially accept the mosquito as the transmitter of the disease until 1900 when Walter Reed and the U.S. Regular army yellow fever Commission gave the official study. A Georgian named Dr.

Joseph Loma White, Images from the History of Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division

Joseph Colina White played an important role in the scientific study of the affliction by experimenting with mosquito eradication to forbid xanthous fever. It was Dr. White'due south success at controlling an outbreak of xanthous fever on an ground forces base in Virginia that convinced Walter Reed to publicly merits the mosquito seize with teeth as the cause of xanthous fever infection.

From the Source

Nelly Kenzie Gordon Monograph

Juliette Gordon Low's mother Nelly Kenzie Gordon wrote most her experiences during the 1876 Yellow Fever epidemic. William Washington Gordon II, Nelly's husband, stayed in Savannah during the epidemic to fulfill his duties as a member of the Savannah Benevolent Society. Nelly wanted to be close to her hubby and refused to retreat to Etowah with her children. As a compromise, Nelly agreed to stay outside the city in Guyton. Her 12-folio remembrances include graphic descriptions of yellow fever symptoms.

"The state of affairs was discussed next morning at the breakfast tabular array. The children were much excited over it. All the children were willing to stay in Savannah, except Daisy. — She wanted to leave at once! I reproached her "Wouldn't yous want to stay and die with your family?" I asked. "I'd like to alive anywhere with my family" replied Daisy, "but I don't want to die with my family here or anywhere else" and from that point of view nothing could move her."

1876 – "Yellow Fever" – Nelly Yard. Gordon. From the Gordon Family Papers, MS 318

Medical Reports

Until 1900, the medical community did non have a clear understanding of what caused the 1876 Yellowish Fever Epidemic. The medical community had a variety of theories as to the cause of the Yellow Fever, including sanitary conditions and polluted h2o. The two reports beneath, both available for full download on the Internet Archive, provide an case of how the medical customs studied and understood diseases in the tardily 19th century.

Report 1:  "A Monograph on the Yellow Fever of 1876 in Savannah, Georgia," by Dr. Louis A. Falligant. Savannah: Morning News Print, 1888. From the drove of University of Michigan. Accessed on the Internet Archive.

Report 2: "A Study of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1876, as it Affected the State of Georgia." By Ely McClellan, M.D. Majr and Surgeon U.s.a. Army . In Public Wellness Reports and Papers Volume Iv, edited past the American Public Health Association. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Company, 1880, 249-285. Accessed on the Net Archive.

William Wright Ledger

William Wright worked as a chairman for the Department of Health and Cemetery in Savannah. At that place are records of deaths from the yellow fever epidemic in 1876 included in this ledger. These records list the names of the people who died daily considering of the disease and notes the person's age, race, and cemetery in which they were cached.

William Wright'south ledger with lists of yellow fever deaths.

William Wright Ledger, 1853-1876, MS 2281. Courtsey of Georgia Historical Order

William Washington Gordon II Volition

On October 11, 1876, William Washington Gordon II wrote his wife a letter detailing how the his holding, real and personal, should be handled in instance he did  non survive the yellow fever epidemic. Below is the typed copy with a handwritten addendum.

Typed re-create with handwritten addendum of a letter written past W.W. Gordon II to his married woman, October 11, 1876. From the Gordon Family Papers, MS 318.

Family Messages

Below are 2 examples of letters written past Gordon family members during the 1876 yellowish fever epidemic. The commencement was written by Juliette Gordon Low to her mother. The 2nd letter was written by Nelly Gordon to her girl Alice.

Alphabetic character from Juliette Gordon Low in Etowah to Nelly Kinzie Gordon, 1876. From the Gordon Family unit paper, MS 318.

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